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Elizabeth II. Two Pound Series
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2 Pound 2011
King James Bible

Диаметр: 28.4, мм
Вес: 12, грамм
Металл: Inner: Cupro-nickel, Outer: Nickel-brass
Качество: BUNC
Другие харакетеристики
Монетный двор: Royal Mint
Тираж: 20,000

Дата добавления:2011-03-19 19:29:06
Making publishing history

Religious tension was high in 1604, when James convened the Hampton Court Conference with the Puritans and some Anglican clergymen. The Puritans thought that some parts of the existing English bible translations were inaccurate, and James agreed that a new bible should be created. He instructed 54 scholars carefully, ensuring the new version reflected his beliefs about the Church of England. 47 of those scholars went on to perform the translation. Ironically, what is now called the “Authorised Version” was not officially authorised at the time, but the King’s Printer stopped printing the previous Bishop’s Bible and so the new version quickly became the standard text in English churches. Its full title was “THE HOLY BIBLE, Conteyning the Old Testament, AND THE NEW: Newly Translated out of the Original tongues: & with the former Translations diligently compared and revised, by his Majesties special Comandement”. 400 years on, the King James Bible remains one of the most loved translations of the bible, representing the very best of Elizabethan English. Scholars praise it for its majestic style and poetic rhythms. The most printed book ever, it is still the third most widely sold bible by number of copies.


The poetry and beauty of the king James Bible are very familiar, in fact so familiar that it forms part of the fabric of life in the UK. 2011 is an important year because the text has now been with us through four centuries. It is no coincidence that the bible was conceived in the reign of King James VI of Scotland and I of England. He is widely thought of as one of the most intellectual and learned people ever to accede to the throne, and this 400th anniversary of an extraordinary translation is a great opportunity to celebrate both his achievement and his continued influence.

A passion for learning

Born in 1566, King James VI & I is one of the most important figures not only in British history but in the history of learning and the arts. His childhood was spent as King of Scots, becoming James VI when he was just 13 months old in 1567. Four different regents governed before he gained full control of Scottish government in 1581, and when Elizabeth I died in 1603 he became James I, King of England and “King of Great Britain”. James grew up amongst violence and intrigue, and his challenges continued as King – he survived two conspiracies in the first year of his reign as well as the Gunpowder Plot on the 5th of November 1605.

With a ban on the printing and importation of the competing Geneva version into England, the King James Version became the most widely accepted translation. The Bible embarked on many voyages around the world reaching the shores as far as India, South Africa and Australia. This is one of the reasons that English is now a world language. There have been few more important single publications and the impact The King James Bible has had through history has been colossal.

Paul Stafford & Ben Wright 'Our design for the two pound coin, which marks 400 years since the first edition of the King James Version, celebrates this achievement. Printing matters are at the centre of the history of the King James Bible. After a ban on the printing and importation of the competing Geneva version into England, the King James Version became the most widely accepted translation. As a nod to this, and from the point of view of our own interests and backgrounds as a design agency, we decided to base our design on a representation of the printing process.Typeset in a replica of the black letter typeface used in the first edition, the reversed, raised text of the printing block (on the left) and the recessed text of the printed word (on the right), takes the form of the aptly chosen quote, ‘In the beginning was the Word’ (John 1:1).'

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