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Elizabeth II. Two Pound Series
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2 Pound 2010
23 - Florence Nightingale

Диаметр: 28.4, мм
Вес: 12, грамм
Металл: Inner - Cupro-nickel, Outer - Nickel-brass
Гурт: 150 Years of Nursing
Качество: BUNC
Другие харакетеристики
Монетный двор: Royal Mint
Тираж: 25000

Дата добавления:2010-03-06 18:37:50
The Lady with the Lamp

During the Crimean War Florence Nightingale took a team of nurses to Constantinople to care for the ill and critically injured troops and won the undying respect of the nation. The 100th anniversary of her death as well as the 150th anniversary of the publication of her Notes on Nursing falls in 2010 and a £2 coin has been struck in her honour.

Florence Nightingale - 12 May 1820-13 August 1910

During the Crimean War Florence Nightingale astounded the world by taking a team of nurses to Constantinople to care for and comfort the ill and critically injured troops. She was relentless in harrying politicians for desperately needed supplies and through her ceaseless labour brought order and cleanliness to the Barrack Hospital at Scutari, becoming known as ‘The Lady with the Lamp’ as she tended the wounded at night. Throughout her life she campaigned zealously to improve health standards and was awarded the Royal Red Cross in 1883. In her old age she remained a tireless campaigner and received many honours becoming the first woman to be awarded the Order of Merit.
The 2010 Coin

The commemorative £2 coin struck in 2010 marks the centenary of the death of Florence Nightingale and also the 150th anniversary of the publication of her Notes on Nursing. The reverse design has been created by Gordon Summers and, through the depiction of a pulse being taken, the design seeks to commemorate the great nursing profession in general, while the inscription draws attention to the achievements of Florence Nightingale in particular with the background symbolising the rays of light from her lamp.

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