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Elizabeth II. Two Pound Series
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2 Pound 2011
The Mary Rose

Диаметр: 28.4, мм
Вес: 12, грамм
Металл: Inner: Cupro-nickel, Outer: Nickel-brass
Качество: BUNC
Другие харакетеристики
Монетный двор: Royal Mint
Тираж: 20,000

Дата добавления:2011-03-19 19:32:09
In 1509, England was vulnerable to attack from enemy ships. The new King, Henry VIII was determined to build a strong defence and gain supremacy over the seas, so began a programme of naval building. The Mary Rose, the first ship to carry cannons able to fire a broadside from watertight gun ports, was the pride of his Navy and embarked on her maiden voyage 500 years ago, in 1511.

Rediscover one of the most iconic symbols of British heritage.

A detailed image of the legendary ship has been expertly struck with incredible detail into this limited edition £2 coin. You can explore the story of the launch of Henry VIII’s favourite ship through this illustrated presentation folder, marking the 500th anniversary of her launch in 1511. The edge inscription reads: YOUR NOBLEST SHIPPE 1511.


England was suffering in 1509. The whole South coast of Britain was at risk of attack from French ships, and the new king Henry VIII wanted to build a strong Tudor navy. Exactly where he built the Mary Rose is not clear, although Portsmouth is very likely. However, in 1511 the new pride of the Navy Royal was launched, named perhaps after the King’s favourite sister or perhaps after the Virgin Mary. Costs were high: simply painting and staining banners and streamer came to a then enormous £142 4s 6d. Military action was quick to follow and the ship’s first battle was in 1512, perhaps the first ever sea battle in the Channel using heavy guns fired through ports.


The Mary Rose had a successful military career. By the time she was defending the Solent in 1544, she was seen as one of the largest and best equipped ships in the fleet, especially thanks to major improvements that had taken place over many years from 1522. When around 200 French ships attacked in the Solent in July 1545, the ship faced real danger but nobody was expecting what happened next. During battle, the Mary Rose heeled (leaned) heavily to starboard, and water rushed in through the gun ports. She sank quickly, and fewer than 35 of the 400 crew survived. Theories on the cause range from top-heavy design to insubordination, but simple handling error is most likely.

The design

Artist John Bergdahl FRBS has created a design that shows the Mary Rose in her prime, complete with the all-important banners and streamers that made Tudor vessels so beautiful and so instantly recognisable. The carrack Tudor warship profile is clearly shown, with the high “castles” fore and aft and with an impressive number of heavy guns. Looking at the stern of the ship, it is easy to see the gradually narrowing width of the decks, designed to make the ship more stable and to make boarding more difficult.

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