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America the Beautiful Quarters
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25 цент 2011
08 - Olympic National Park

Диаметр: 24.26, мм
Вес: 5.67, грамм
Толщина: 1.75, мм
Металл: 91.67% copper, 8.33% nickel (clad)
Гурт: reeded
Качество: UNC
Другие харакетеристики
Монетный двор: Denver (D mint mark)

Дата добавления:2011-08-07 18:21:43
June 13, 2011

The 2011 Olympic National Park Quarter will be the eighth release of the new quarter series featuring National Parks and Sites of the United States. The order of release is determined based on the date each location was first federally designated.

The estimated release date for the Olympic Quarter will be June 13, 2011. On that date the coins will be made available though the channels of circulation, although so far the America the Beautiful Quarters have remained somewhat elusive in every day pocket change. Numismatic products will also be made available directly from the United States Mint.

On the reverse of the Olympic National Park Quarter is a depiction of a Roosevelt Elk stepping into the Hoh River with Mount Olympus in the background. Other design candidates featured broad landscapes without the elk present and a sea scape scene. Both the Commission of Fine Arts and Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee preferred the design incorporating the animal life, and the final design of the Treasury Secretary agreed.

The selected reverse was designed by Barbara Fox and sculpted by Charles Vickers.

In addition to the quarter dollars issued for circulation and coin collectors, there will be a 5 ounce silver bullion coin bearing the same design available for precious metals investors. Anticipation has been high for the bullion series, which will be sold through the US Mint’s network of authorized purchasers.

About Olympic National Park

The mountains of Washington State and their close proximity to the sea made them particularly interesting to early explorers looking for a passage across the American continent to the Pacific Ocean. Although many records exist claiming that seafaring men took expeditions up into the slopes of the Olympic Mountains in the mid-1800s, the first documented ascent took place in 1885 in an expedition led by Melbourne Watkinson.

After this, expedition parties became much more prepared for the treacherous journey up into the slopes of the Olympics, and many started documenting the passes and trails that they had taken so that others could follow in their footsteps. Two such explorers were Lieutenant Joseph O’Neil and Judge James Wickersham who met while exploring the range in the 1890′s.

When asked to report on what he had seen in the Olympics, O’Neil would write that he found them to be of high value, and highly recommended that they be incorporated into a National Park to protect their beauty, and the sanctity of the endangered species they contained, most notably the elk.

In 1897 the majority of the forested land of the peninsula was incorporated into the Olympic Forest Reserve by Congress. As soon as the national park service was officially formed, the area was officially designated a National Park in 1938.

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