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America the Beautiful Quarters
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25 цент 2011
07 - Glacier National Park

Диаметр: 24.26, мм
Вес: 5.67, грамм
Толщина: 1.75, мм
Металл: 91.67% copper, 8.33% nickel (clad)
Гурт: reeded
Качество: UNC
Другие харакетеристики
Монетный двор: Denver (D mint mark)

Дата добавления:2011-06-11 15:52:17
Apr 4, 2011
The 2011 Glacier National Park Quarter will be released during 2011 as the seventh issue of the new series featuring National Parks and Sites of America. Although Montana’s Glacier National Park encompasses more than one million acres of land, 300 lakes, more than one thousand specifies of plants, and hundreds of species of animals, it will be depicted on the diminutive canvas of a quarter.

In late 2010, the United States Mint announced the design selection for the reverse of the coin. A classic view of the northeast slope Mount Reynolds is shown in the background, with a mountain goat standing on rocky slopes in the foreground. Similar depictions were prepared as initial design candidates, but this one featured the best overall composition and backed by both the CFA and CCAC. The selected design was created by Susan Gamble and sculpted by Michael Gaudioso.

The obverse of the coin will bear the familiar portrait of George Washington that has been used on the circulating quarter dollar for nearly eight decades. Details from John Flanagan’s original design have been restored for the current series.

A release date for the Glacier National Park Quarter is not yet known. The coins will be struck for circulation as well as special collector sets issued by the United States Mint. A duplicate of the design will also be featured on a newly introduced silver bullion investment product.

About Glacier National Park

Like many of our most treasured wild areas, Glacier National Park in Montana was inhabited and loved by the Native Americans long before any European settlers arrived there. There is archeological evidence that humans were living in the mountains and plains of Montana almost ten thousand years ago.

It was not until the 1800′s however, that pioneers like Lewis and Clark began to take expeditions to explore and map out these wild areas as they trapped and hunted for their livelihoods. As forest trails became roads, and treacherous roads became railroads, more and more people became interested in what adventure and fortune might lie out in the wilds of the Western forests.

As the 1900′s dawned and a new century began, people in America began to slowly understand that there can sometimes be more value in a piece of land than simply the resources that you can extract from it. Sometimes land can be valuable just because of its unique beauty and wildlife.

George Bird Grinnell was one of the people that agreed with this state of mind, and he worked hard to convince the federal government that the forests and glaciers of the western part of Montana were worth preserving just the way they were. Although the area was first made into Forest Preserve in 1900, this designation still left the area open to the developments of homesteaders and miners. Grinnell did not rest until President Taft officially signed legislation making Glacier the tenth National Park in the nation. Today, visitors can still enjoy camping, hiking, fishing and hunting in the Park, as well as a stay in one of its historic lodges.

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