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D.C. & U.S. Territories Quarter Program
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25 цент 2009
04 - American Samoa

Диаметр: 24.26, мм
Вес: 5.67, грамм
Толщина: 1.75, мм
Металл: copper-nickel
Гурт: reeded
Качество: UNC
Другие харакетеристики
Монетный двор: Denver Mint
Тираж: 39,600,000

Дата добавления:2009-10-15 23:20:55
The American Samoa Quarter was released on July 27, 2009. This represented the fourth release of the 2009 DC & US Territories Quarter Program. This program is a follow up to the popular 50 State Quarters Program, created to release six additional quarters for U.S. jurisdictions not classified as states.

The reverse design of the American Samoa Quarter features items used in special Samoan ceremonies against a background image of the coastline. The items include the ava bowl and the whisk and staff. The ava bowl is used to make a ceremonial drink during important events. The whisk and staff represent the rank of Samoan orator. The inscriptions read "American Samoa," "Samoa Muamua Le Atua" (translated: "Samoa, God is First"), "E Pluribus Unum," and the date. The reverse was designed by Stephen Clark and sculpted by Charles Vickers.

Two other finalist designs for the quarter were proposed, but not selected. The first featured a man holding a dried coconut cup used during the ava ceremony. Hi image was surrounded by coconut leaves, breadfruit tree leaves, and taro leaves. The second proposed design portrayed a collection of symbols representative of American Samoa, which included a guesthouse, headdress and bowl.

An official launch ceremony for the American Samoa Quarter was held in Pago Pago on September 4, 2009, more than a month after the official release date of the coin. The ceremony was attended by US Mint Deputy Director Andrew Brunhart and American Samoa Governor Togiola T.A. Tulafono. Following the ceremony children aged 18 and younger were given a free American Samoa Quarter. Adults were allowed to exchange currency for rolls of quarters.

The overall mintage for the American Samoa Quarter marked a temporary low for quarter production. Just over 82 million quarters were produced for circulation across both the Philadelphia and Denver Mints. The 2009-D American Samoa Quarter retains its status as the lowest mintage individual quarter in decades.

Designers: William Cousins after John Flanagan (obverse), Stephen Clark (reverse)


Австрия Белоруссия Бельгия Болгария Босния и Герцеговина Ватикан Великобритания Венгрия ГДР Германия Гибралтар Греция Дания Евросоюз Ирландия Испания Италия Кипр Латвия Ливан Литва Люксембург Македония Мальта Молдавия Нидерланды Норвегия Остров Мэн Польша Португалия Приднестровье Россия Румыния Сан-Марино Сербия Словакия Словения СССР Татарстан Турция Украина Финляндия Франция Хорватия Чехия Чехословакия Швейцария Швеция Эстония Югославия
Азербайджан Армения Афганистан Вьетнам Гонг Конг Грузия Израиль Индия Индонезия Иран Казахстан Камбоджа Киргизия Китай Лаос Малайзия Мальдивы Монголия Мьянма Непал ОАЭ Северная Корея Сингапур Таджикистан Тайвань (Китай) Тайланд Туркменистан Узбекистан Филиппины Шри Ланка Южная Корея Япония
Бурунди Гана Египет Замбия Зимбабве Сейшельские Острова Тунис ЮАР
Австралия Аргентина Барбадос Боливия Бразилия Венесуэла Гондурас Доминиканская республика Канада Карибские острова Коста-Рика Куба Мексика Никарагуа Новая Зеландия Перу Соломоновы острова США Тринидад и Тобаго Уругвай Фиджи Ямайка
© 2010 - Natikk's Collection. Release: 15 Feb 2009. Ver: 3.01