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Elizabeth II. Crown Series (Five pound)
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5 Pound 2011
Countdown to London (1 year)

Диаметр: 28.28, мм
Вес: 38.61, грамм
Металл: copper-nickel
Качество: BUNC
Другие харакетеристики
Монетный двор: Royal Mint
Тираж: 250,000

Дата добавления:2011-03-05 23:21:17
The 2011 UK London 2012 Countdown £5 Brilliant Uncirculated coin comes in an illustrated presentation folder featuring an artist’s impression of the new Velodrome and is the ideal gift for family and friends.

In the summer of 2012, around 10,500 athletes will take part in the Olympic Games and 4,200 in the Paralympic Games, representing 205 countries. As the nation counts down to this spectacular sporting event, the Royal Mint has struck a UK £5 coin in cupro-nickel to Brilliant Uncirculated quality - a higher standard of minting than the coins in your pocket. Each coin features a reverse design representing the sport of Cycling.

The 2011 Countdown Coin, the third coin in the collection, represents the sport of Cycling and features the figure ‘1’ for one year to go to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

On 27 July 2012, London will proudly unveil the Games of the 30th Olympiad to the world – the first time the city has hosted the Olympic Games for over 60 years.

To commemorate this momentous event, the Royal Mint has commissioned an exclusive and highly collectable series of four superb £5 coins, to be released in limited numbers. The four reverses have all been designed by Claire Aldridge, a Royal Mint engraver, each design complementing one another beautifully with a border symbolising a bird’s eye view of the new stadium, a countdown ‘clock’ and the London 2012 logo.

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