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25 цент 2010
02 - Yellowstone

Диаметр: 24.26, мм
Вес: 5.76, грамм
Толщина: 1.75, мм
Металл: 91.67% copper, 8.33% nickel
Гурт: reeded
Качество: UNC
Другие харакетеристики
Монетный двор: Philadelphia (P mint mark)

Дата добавления:2010-10-03 21:26:48
June 1, 2010

About Yellowstone National Park
Long before Yellowstone National Park became of importance to the newly formed people and government of the United States of America, it was already considered sacred ground to the Native Americans. They used the area that we now know as Yellowstone as hunting grounds, a place to set up their temporary villages, and the center of many of their travel routes for trading and hunting. When you visit Yellowstone, which was officially named a National Park in 1872, it is easy to see why it was considered so valuable by all who passed through it. The area now enclosed by the Park contains a wide variety of wildlife and geothermal structures, including one of the most famous natural geysers, Old Faithful.

The reason that these geysers exist is that Yellowstone is thought to be centered right over the top of one of the largest super volcanoes in the whole continent of North America, known as the Yellowstone Caldera. All over Yellowstone National Park, you can see lava still flowing and also the rock formations that have formed as the lava cools after reaching the surface of the earth.

Another great thing about Yellowstone National Park is that it is home to some of the most diverse populations of fish, birds, mammals and reptiles in the entire country. Several of the species of animals that call the park home are endangered or threatened, making the protection of the Park very important to their survival. Although there are some paved roads around certain features of the park, much of it has remained unspoiled by human development, making it a unique place to reconnect with nature.


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