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Elizabeth II. One Pound Series
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1 Pound 2007

Диаметр: 22.5, мм
Вес: 9.5, грамм
Толщина: 3.15, мм
Металл: никель/латунь
Качество: XF
Другие харакетеристики
Монетный двор: Royal Mint

Дата добавления:2010-08-01 22:18:07
A representation of the Gateshead Millennium Bridge with a border of struts, designed by Edwina Ellis

The Millennium Bridge

In 1996 Gateshead Council launched a competition to design a pedestrian and cycle bridge that would link Gateshead and Newcastle. The bridge was to allow room for ships to pass underneath, was not to obstruct the Quayside and should not spoil the view of the Tyne’s existing bridges. The winning entrant, chosen by Gateshead residents who were invited to vote for their favourite design, was Wilkinson & Eyre Architects and Engineers and Gifford & Partners. Their unique design was based on a pair of steel arches, one the deck and the other the deck support. Powered by eight electric motors, the whole bridge tilts to form a grand arch under which ships can pass, a graceful movement that takes four minutes and evokes the slow opening of a huge eye. It is the world's first tilting bridge and, officially opened by the Queen as part of her Golden Jubilee celebrations in 2002, now stands as a magnificent symbol of Gateshead’s renaissance. Its distinctive outline is shown to great effect on the £1 coin and is framed by a border inspired by the struts of the walkway. Like its companions in the Bridge series, the customary edge inscription has been replaced by a decorative pattern symbolising bridges and pathways.

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© 2010 - Natikk's Collection. Release: 15 Feb 2009. Ver: 3.01