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50 Pence 2010
14 - Girl Guiding

Диаметр: 27.3, мм
Вес: 8, грамм
Металл: copper-nickel
Гурт: plain
Качество: BUNC
Другие харакетеристики
Монетный двор: Royal Mint
Тираж: 75000

Дата добавления:2010-03-06 09:44:36
Designer (Reverse) Jonathan Evans and Donna Hainan
Designer (Obverse) Ian Rank-Broadley FRBS

Over the last century, the Girl Guides has become part of the national life of Britain. Today, the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts enjoys a membership of millions throughout the world helping girls to get the best possible start in life. In 2010, the Girl Guide movement reaches its centenary milestone, a remarkable achievement now celebrated with a commemorative 50p coin.

A few determined girls turned up at the first boy Scout Rally in 1909 asking for ‘something for the girls’. Just months later the Girl guides were formed. 100 years on, and Girlguiding UK is stronger than every, with over 550,000 members, and there are more than 10 million Guides around the world. Guiding has always given girls opportunities they might not have elsewhere. In 1910 girls were not supposed to run, swim or ride a bike but girls in guiding were heading off to camp. Activities on offer have always reflected the needs and interests of the girls of the day. Guides in 1912 could complete an air mechanic badge and during the war years Guides learnt to put out an incendiary bomb.

Recently, members formed the first all-female Tall Ships Crew and took a hot air balloon up Everest – reality has changed, but the sense of adventure remains!
Celebrating 100 Years of Girlguiding

The charming 50p coin marking the centenary of the Girl Guide movement features a repeating pattern of the Girlguiding UK identity. The three leaves of the trefoil represent the threefold Promise of the Guides - duty to God or religion, duty to country, keeping the Guide Law - while the stalk signifies the love of mankind and the star, friendship.

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© 2010 - Natikk's Collection. Release: 15 Feb 2009. Ver: 3.01